Special and Vulnerable Groups
The Greek Public Employment Service provides specialized services for the unemployed who belong to Special and Vulnerable Social Groups and in particular for those who belong to the following categories:
- Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
- Rehabilitated from addictive substances
- Released from prison
- Young Offenders or Young People at Social Risk
- Victims of Human Trafficking
- Women Victims of gender-based and domestic violence
- Transgender
- Persons who continue to reside after their adulthood in Child Protection and Care Units
The unemployed belonging to the above categories are provided with Counseling Services:
- information and specialized information on training, employment and entrepreneurship,
- personalized support in order to integrate into the labor market and gain social and economic autonomy.
The above services are provided afterthe issuance of the Unemployment Certificate and after being completed electronically by the unemployed person himself/herself, the questionnaire (PROFILING) about his/her employment profile and which will be posted on his/her online profile.
At the same time with the registration processtake into account the following conditions in order to join the special register of unemployed Vulnerable Social Groups.
- Registration in the special register of unemployed disabled people
A prerequisite for registration in the special register of unemployed Persons with Disabilities (PWD) is the possession of a Disability Opinion by a Disability Certification Center (KEPA) in force. The Disability Certification Centre (KEPA) Opinion should certify a disability rate of at least 50%, as well as ability to work*. Please note that the opinions of the Primary Health Committee of IKA are also accepted in force.
The Unemployment Bulletin issued on the basis of the Disability Opinion by Kepa lastsup to three (3) months after the expiry of the validity of the disability document presented.
*it is exceptionally possible to register in the unemployment register of the Greek Public Employment Service of Persons with Disabilities suffering from mental illness or mental retardation or sympathology of mental illness and mental retardation, with a percentage of 50% or more, even in the case that a lack of capacity for any livelihood is reported in the disability certificate in accordance with the provisions of Law 2716/1999 (A'96)
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Persons Free from Addictive Substances
A prerequisite for registration in the special register of unemployed persons who are addicted to addictive substances is that the person concerned has in his/her possession one of the following:
- Certificate of completion of an approved therapeutic program of physical and mental rehabilitation, with or without substitutes. Approved drug rehabilitation programs operate in the following centers: OKANA, KETHEA, Psychiatric Hospital of Athens, Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, Drug Rehabilitation Center of prisoners Eleonas Thivon, General Hospital of Ioannina G. Chatzikostas, General Hospital of Corfu "Agia Eirini".
- Certification that the person concerned is in the Stage of Social Reintegration and the Rehabilitation Body consents to the issuance of an unemployment card with the aim of integrating him/her into the labour market.
- Certificate of independence from a corresponding Body from an EU country, provided that the body issuing this certificate is licensed by a Public Authority of that country.
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Persons released from prison
A prerequisite for registration in the special register of the Greek Public Employment Service of unemployed persons released from prison is the possession from the Territory or from an EU country, where it is stated that a sentence of more than 2 months has been served.
- Vulnerable Social Groups and Unemployment=>Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Young Offenders or Young People at Social Risk
A prerequisite for registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Young Offenders or Young Persons at Social Risk of the Greek Public Emloyment Service is the possession of an Introductory Report of Social Services of Correctional Institutions or Institutions of Education or a Company for the Protection of Minors or Courts of Minors or a Service of Guardians of Minors or competent Bodies of the Ministry of Health or the Prefectures or Municipalities or other competent Social Intervention Body or the "Smile of the Child" or the SOS Villages or other similar Bodies, where it is ensured that the person is in special socio-economic conditions and it is proposed to be included in the subsidy program of the employment of the Ministry of Health. In addition, a Minor's Health Booklet is required for the cases where it is provided.
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Victims of Human Trafficking
The act of the competent Prosecutor of the Court of First Instance for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings is required for the registration in the special register of unemployed persons of the Greek Public Employment Service, both immediately after the initiation of the criminal proceedings and before the criminal prosecution. In the latter case, the issuance of this Act requires a written opinion, drafted by two scientists with the specialty of psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker, who serve in a Service or in a Protection and Relief Unit of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Presidential Decree 233/2003, as in force, or in NGOs or IOM or International Organizations or other specialized and recognized by the State protection and assistance bodies, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the aforementioned Presidential Decree 233/2003.
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Victims of Gender/Domestic Violence
For registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Victims of Gender/Domestic Violence, women victims of gender-based violence and victims of domestic violence are required to have:
a certificate that they belong to the specific category of beneficiaries, signed by a legal representative of the following bodies, as follows:
- For the Women's Counseling Centre of the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality, by the legal representative of the body, following a recommendation from the head of the Social Protection and Counseling Services Directorate.
- For the Advisory Centers of the Research Centre for Equality Issues (KETHI), by the legal representative of the body, on the recommendation of the Three-Member Scientific Committee.
- For the Hostels of the National Center for Social Solidarity (E.K.K.A.), by the legal representative, following the recommendation of the Head of the Social Service.
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Transgender Persons
For the Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Transgender Persons is required:
- In case they have already changed their data through the procedure of Law 4491/2017 (A’ 152): New registration document and change of registration in the Public Financial Service (Tax Office).
- If they have not changed their data through the procedure of Law 4491/2017 (A’ 152): A Solemn Declaration stating that they are: a transgender person and that the individual and internal way of self-determination of their gender, which is a fundamental characteristic of their existence as a person in accordance with the provisions of Law 4491/2017 (A’ 152), does not belong to the registered gender at birth.
- Registration in the Special Register of Unemployed Unemployed Adults who continue to reside in Child Protection Units after reaching adulthood
For the registration in the special register of unemployed adults who continue to reside after their adulthood in Child Protection Units, it is necessary that:
Individuals are registered in the National Register of Minors of the National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA) in accordance with Article 5 of Law 4538/2018 (A’ 85) as amended 25 by Article 117 of Law 4604/2019 (A’ 50) and have a certificate signed by the Head of the Directorate of Child Protection of the EKKA, in which:
(a) it is certified that the beneficiary person is registered in the National Register of Minors kept in the information system anynet,
(b) the Registration Number of the said beneficiary is indicated in the information system anynet,
(c) it is certified that the beneficiary person remains a guest in the Child Protection Structure.
The unemployed that belong to Special and Vulnerable Social Groups are provided with Consulting Services:
- information and specialized information on training, employment and entrepreneurship,
- personalized support in order to integrate into the labor market and gain social and economic autonomy.
The above services are provided after the issuance of the Unemployment after being electronically completed by the unemployed person himself/herself (PROFILING) about his/her job profile and which will be posted on his/her electronic profile.
- myDYPAlive service: "digital appointment" option to serve unemployed EKOs
Through the myDYPAlive appointment planning and implementation platform developed by the Greek Public Employment Service, in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Information Systems, the unemployed and businesses can be served digitally via video conference (video call), avoiding attendance at local service points. Through myDYPAlive, it is possible to schedule a "digital appointment" on a specific day and time and for specific services provided by specialized staff of the Greek Public Employment Service.
The service myDYPAlive provides, among other things:
- Consulting services to registered unemployed persons of Special Social Groups
- Consulting services to businesses
- Consulting services from the EURES network
- Updating of data of the register of unemployed persons of Special Social Groups of the Greek Public Employment Service
In addition, some of the above procedures provide the possibility of interpretation in Greek sign language/lip-reading, as well as in other languages.
- Procedure for starting Professional Counseling
After completing the online questionnaire, the unemployed person from a vulnerable social group is invited for an interview by a specialized Work Advisor in order to investigate his/her needs, his/her psychosocial and work preparation.
The Job Counselors through the process of individualized approach - which is based on the basic principles of Professional Counseling - take into account:
the special needs for social and psychological support of these groups,
their special needs for training, both based on their cognitive level and their previous experience, as well as on their physical and psychological capabilities,
the level of work readiness they have, according to the elements of their personality and their special needs
The consultants take all the necessary actions/ actions aimed at the empowerment and activation of people belonging to vulnerable social groups, their interconnection with active forms of employment, the linking of supply-demand of work and/or the undertaking of an entrepreneurial initiative.
The interview of the unemployed vulnerable social groups with their Job Counselors is based on the development of a relationship of mutual trust and mutual acceptance and focuses on the investigation of the individual's needs and desires, in order to determine the objectives and the framework of their cooperation.
Interviews may be repeated at Ordinary intervals, the frequency of which depends on the individual needs of each unemployed person.
Given the specific needs and characteristics of unemployed vulnerable social groups, specific key actions are required to empower and activate individuals in order to achieve both their integration and their stay in the labor market.
- Special Social Groups Consulting Services Structure
The Job Counselors addressed to the unemployed of Special Social Groups develop the following supporting actions:
- Design-Development of an Individual Action Plan
- Recording and diagnosis of personal characteristics / peculiarities, causes of exclusion, interests, abilities / skills, motivation to work, etc.
- Evaluation - self-assessment of skills, interests, abilities, personality elements
- Identification of objectives, delimitation of the process of implementation of the Individual Action Plan
The Individual Action Plan also includes a series of additional supporting actions, is evaluated at various times throughout the process of strengthening the unemployed and is adjusted according to the needs of the individual.
- Personal Empowerment – Activation
- Psychosocial support and counselling of the individual
- Actions to enhance self-confidence and self-esteem
- Support to address family or other problems that contribute to social exclusion
- Professional Empowerment
- Provision of professional information (market trends, special training and employment programs, jobs)
- Provision of career guidance
- Creating a career plan
- Learning job search and job retention techniques
- Guidance on appropriate choices in the labor market according to the profile and needs / desires of the individual
- Development of professional awareness and improvement of social skills
- Integration in the labor market:
- Placement in a suitable job
- Counselling to a worker and employer with the aim of facilitating the progression of the individual to the labor market
- Counselling to a freelancer to develop a new business and solve any difficulties that may arise during the implementation of the business
- Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the development of the individual in the labor market either as an employee or as a freelancer
- Design-Development of an Individual Action Plan
Business employment grant scheme: A. 3,000 unemployed who belong to special and vulnerable social groups
The creation of 3,000 new full-time jobs for unemployed people belonging to special and vulnerable social groups
Registered in the Greek Public Employment Service registry on the date of their designation belonging to the following categories:
- Persons with Disabilities
- Women victims of domestic or gender-based violence
- Persons who have completed a rehabilitation program
- Released Persons
- Young Persons at Social Risk
- Transgender Persons
- Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings, as well as
- Adult Persons who continue to reside after their adulthood in Child Protection and Care Units and are registered in the National Register of Minors of Greece’s National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA)
- Private Enterprises and generally employers of the private sector who engage in Ordinary economic activity
- Developmental Societies of Local Authorities engaged in Ordinary economic activity as well as A 'and B' degree businesses, regarding employment with disabilities.
State Aid Regime
- If the company chooses the de minimis state aid scheme, it should not have reduced its staff in the 3 months before the application and should not have received funding from state aid over €200,000 in the previous 3 years (current and previous 2).
- If the company chooses the state aid scheme of the General Discharge Regulation, not have reduced its staff in the 12 months before the application and not have received funding from state aid over €5,000,000 since the year 2014.
It is recalled that the beneficiaries of the state aid scheme of the General Discharge Regulation belong to the following categories of unemployed persons who are in a particularly disadvantaged position:
- Persons with disabilities
- registered for 24 months or more
- registered unemployed for 12 months with at least one of the following conditions:
- aged between 18 and 24 years or
- have not completed compulsory education or have completed compulsory education without having subsequently advanced to a higher level of education or
- being over 50 years old or
- living alone under the care of one or more dependent members
The duration of the grant is 24 months with the obligation to maintain the subsidized positions for an additional 8 months after the end of the grant. It is noted that the development Societes Anonymes of local authorities and the companies of local authorities of first and second degree are not obliged to maintain the jobs.
• If the company chooses the de minimis state aid scheme, the subsidy amounts to 75% of the wage and non-wage costs, up to a maximum of 700€ per month, and includes the Christmas and Easter Gifts and the Holiday Allowance
• If the company chooses the state aid scheme of the General Discharge Regulation, the subsidy amounts to 75% for the employment of Persons with Disabilities and 50% for the remaining vulnerable groups of wage and non-wage costs, with a maximum of 700€ per month, and includes the Christmas and Easter Gifts and the Holiday Allowance.
Detailed information is given in the Public Call for Proposals
NB. The program for the employment of unemployed people from vulnerable social groups, which included an ergonomic arrangement for workplaces for people with disabilities, has been closed for the submission of applications.
- Vocational Training Schools for the Disabled
The Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) has two special education training structures:
The School for People with Disabilities of Athens and the Educational Center for Vocational Training of Adolescents and Youth with Special Needs of Thessaloniki (EKEK PWD of Thessaloniki)
These structures aim at vocational training (theoretical and practical) and socialization of unemployed people with disabilities and consequently at their employment in the various sectors of the economy. At the same time, trainees receive psychosocial and counseling support from Special Scientific Staff (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, etc.).
- Vocational Training School for Disabled People (Athens School for Disabled People)
Address: L. Galatsiou 19, 11141 Athens, Tel/Fax: 210-2110878, 210-2110640
Email: sxamea@oaed.gr
The programs of the School are addressed to:
Persons with a disability rate of 50% or more (based on the current opinion of the primary health committee of IKA or decision of KEPA) aged 18-58 years regardless of gender, religion, or nationality - holders of an active unemployment card from which they can be registered in the Eko Register of the Greek Public Employment Service - and with conditions such as:
- Physical disabilities
- Movement problems
- Organic deficiencies (heart failure, kidney failure, leukemia, cancer, hepatitis B, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, etc.)
- Deafness-Hard of hearing
- Slightly Mental Retardation
- Total or partial blindness (Attendance at the Faros for the Blind)
- Mental disorders
Greek nationals or expatriates, as well as foreigners who were born and reside permanently and legally in Greece, have completed compulsory education in Greece or hold a certificate of at least level B language proficiency.
Candidates who have not attended a training program at the Athens Vocational Training Centre for People with Disabilities for the last eight (8) years.
Over time, since the establishment of the Athens school for people with disabilities, they were not included in the notices for people with mental illness, which was due to the lack of appropriate staff and infrastructure to support this group of people. From the school year 2015-2016 onwards, students with mental disabilities are admitted under the guidance and supervision of a special interdisciplinary working group of the Vyronas / Kaisariani Mental Health Center of the 1st Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Athens Aiginiteio Hospital.
The School is staffed by specialized staff with experience both in the training of people with disabilities and in the provision of Accompanying Support Services (psychologists, sociologists, social workers, nurses, and sign language interpreters).
The actions provided by the Accompanying Support Services aim at empowering and encouraging trainees both during their studies and before their integration into the labor market.
The trainees are placed in the programs upon selection and depending on their skills, ailment, and grammatical knowledge.
The program aims to provide the graduate with the basic knowledge of carpentry (construction of simple furniture, tables, chairs, etc.) and the construction of wood carvings.