Training Programs for the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- Press Release - Announcements
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- Goverment Decision for Works and Public Tenders
- 662Ο4691Ω2-ΡΣΠ Modification of the Decision on termination of the physical object of the project of the unemployed until 15.9.2023
- ΣZΘ74691Ω2-ΣΡ4_Modification of Decisions No. 1477_35_18-4-23 and 1537_36_25-4-23
- 6ΕΡΨ4691Ω2-Ο2Θ_Completion of Decision No. 1068/25/22.03.2023 of the Board of Directors of DYPA
- 6ΕΡΨ4691Ω2-Ο2Θ_Completion of Decision No. 1068/25/22.03.2023 of the Board of Directors of DYPA
- 9T3I4691Ω2-Δ07 Final deadline for starting the implementation of the training departments (unemployed)
- Modification of Invitation_Unemployed_6Θ6Φ4691Ω2-KGE
- Possibility of submitting unemployed applications until 03-22-2023
Decision 629_15_21.02.2023_Extension of expiry of physical object (code OPS TA 5157226)
Modification of No. 6506/129/13.12.2022 Decision of the Board of Directors of DYPA
6Θ6Φ4691Ω2-KGE Modification of No. 186373/5.4.2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
9ΑΠΨ4691Ω2-DAB Modification of No. 186373/5.4.2022 Call for expressions of interest of licensed KDBM
9ΙΡΕ4691Ω2-ΕΟΜ Modification of No. 186373/5.4.2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
Modification of No. 186373_05-04-2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
- Modification of No. 186406_05-04-2022 Call for Expressions of Interest of the Higher Education Institutions of Higher Education
- Invitation expression of interest for the establishment of a register of training providers of the AEI
- Instructions for the Implementation of Communication Obligations and Promotion of Actions Greece 2.0
Updated Note of Instructions for the Implementation of Obligations of Communication and Promotion of Actions Greece 2.0
See here the updated Note of Instructions
Note of Instructions for the Implementation of Obligations of Communication and Promotion of Actions Greece 2.0According to the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RAF) 241 /2021 and the financing agreement signed with the European Commission (Law 4822/2021), all recipients of funding from the Recovery and Resilience Fund have obligations regarding information, communication and promotion. Therefore, the training institutions that participate in the implementation of vocational training programs in the framework of the project "Skills upgrading and retraining programs in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills", as recipients of funding, have these obligations, which are codified in the Communication Guide for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRSP) Greece 2.0.
- Frequently asked questions
- Beneficiaries - Register of Beneficiaries
Register of Final Phase Beneficiaries (until March 22, 2023)
Register of Beneficiaries A' -B΄- C΄- D΄& E΄phase (until December 14, 2022)
Register of Beneficiaries Phase E' (until December 14, 2022)
Register of Beneficiaries Phase A'-B'-C'-D' (until November 8, 2022)
Register of Beneficiaries phase A' & B' & C' (until October 21, 2022)
Register of Beneficiaries phase A' (until September 4, 2022)
- Register of Training Providers of the Universities' Lifelong Learning Centers
ΠΣΣΟ04691Ω2-ZTY Results of submitted objections KDBM_KEDIBIM until 04-05-2023_on-site checks
6NPL4691Ω2-9ξΨ Results of submitted objections KEDIVIM until 18-01-2023_on-site checks
Register of Training Providers KEDIVIM AEI (A-B-C-D-E phase)
Register of Training Providers KEDIVIM AEI phase A-B-C-D (until January 19, 2023)
- Register of Training Providers of the Lifelong Learning Centers (licensed)
9FYHI4691Ω2-ELG_Results of submitted objections KDBM until 09.08.2023
878868 PSTHAF4691Ω2-ξ7Y Results of submitted objections KDBM until 27-07-2023
PSAGN4691Ω2-77Γ_Results of submitted objections KDBM until 12-7-2023
695785_ΨNN84691Ω2-6ΨΟ Results of submitted objections KDBM until 14-06-2023
ONLF4691Ω2-THXX -Results of submitted objections KDBM until 01-06-2023
562490 Ψ9ΡX4691Ω2-P34 Results of submitted objections KDBM until 4-28-2023-administrative checks
ΠΣΣΟ04691Ω2-ZTY Results of submitted objections KDBM_KEDIBIM until 04-05-2023_on-site checks
927Ο4691Ω2-Β5A Results of submitted objections KDBM until 12-04-2023_administrative checks
Ψ3SK4691Ω2-NDB Results of submitted objections KDBM until 31-03-2023 _administrative checks
РКР24691Ω2-ОΛ7 Results of KDBM objections submitted until 04-07-2023 _on-site checks
ΦΟ1Ε4691Ω2-KT2 Results of KDBM objections submitted until 15-03-2023_on-site checks
РСП74691Ω2-3ХК Results of submitted objections KDBM until 16-02-2023_on-site checks
ΠΠ7Α4691Ω2-5ΥX Results of submitted objections KDBM until 19-01-2023_on-site checks
Register of Training Providers of the licensed KDBM_A-B-C-D-E phase (until January 21, 2023)
Register of Training Providers of the licensed KDBM phases A' - B' - C' & D' (until October 3, 2022
Register of Training Providers of the licensed Α΄-Β΄-C΄ phase (until September 8, 2022)
Register of Training Providers of the licensed KDBM_ A΄ and B΄ phase (until August 17, 2022)
Register of Training Providers of the licensed KDBM_ phase A (until May 23, 2022)
- Certification Providers - Certification Providers Register
- Contact
For issues related to the training program you can contact the Greek Public Employment Service:
The Beneficiaries: ofel_a_16913@dypa.gov.gr
The KDVM Training Providers: paroxoikdvm@dypa.gov.gr
The Training Providers of Universities' Life-long learning centers: paroxoikedivimaei@dypa.gov.gr
The Bodies of Certification of Persons: paroxoipistopoiisis@dypa.gov.gr
Telephone center of the Greek Public Employment Service: 1555
For technical issues concerning the platform you can contact the voucher.gov:
- e-mail: webmaster@voucher.gov.gr
- Press Release - Announcements
There is no data to display!
- Government Decision for Works and Public Tenders
- Modification of no. 2397_58_26.6.23_Extension_of employee project deadlines_Ψ2Σ74691Ω2-T1Ω_
- PSLO64691Ω2-PE7_Determining important deadlines
- 6LAΔ4691Ω2-5Ρ1_Completion of DYPA Board of Directors Decision No. 23835520.06.2023
- 9NPK4691Ω2-4Y7_Definition of categories of irregularities/violations and penalties
9DIY4691Ω2-ΒΕΨ_Amendment of Decision No. 2079/47/30.05.2023 DYPA Board of Directors
2079/47/30.05.2023 Decision of the Board of Directors of DYPA
- 9Ω114691Ω2-PITH Amendment of Decision No. 1538_36_25.04.2023 of the Board of Directors of DYPA
9974691Ω2-0ΣΟ Final deadline for starting the implementation of the training departments (employees)
Ψ8Φ64691Ω2-ΟΙ1 Amendment of No. 1255523/20.12.2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
ΣΓ7Ι4691Ω2-95Γ Amendment of No. 1255523/20.12.2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
ΣΙ5Θ4691Ω2-XΙΙ Amendment of No. 1255523/20.12.2022 Call for expression of interest of licensed KDBM
Amendment of sub. no. 6508_130_14.12.2022 Decision of the Board of Directors of DYPA
Decision 628_15_21.02.2023_Extension of expiry of physical object (code TA5174739)
- Instructions for the Implementation of Communication Obligations and Promotion of Actions Greece 2.0
Note of Instructions for the Implementation of Obligations of Communication and Promotion of Actions Greece 2.0
In accordance with the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Fund (TAA) 241/2021 and the financing agreement signed with European Commission (Law 4822/2021), all recipients of funding from the Recovery and Resilience Fund have obligations regarding information, communication and promotion. Therefore, the training institutions that participate in the implementation of vocational training programs in the framework of the project "Skills upgrading and retraining programs in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills", as recipients of funding, have these obligations, which are codified in the Communication Guide for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRSP) Greece 2.0.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Beneficiaries - Register of Beneficiaries
- Completing the Final Phase Beneficiary Register (due to technical issues)
- Completion of the final phase Beneficiary Register (after consideration of objections)
- Final Stage Excluded Table (after consideration of objections)
- Register of Beneficiaries of the final phase (until 03-07-2023)
- Final phase exclusion table (until 03-07-2023)
- Completion of the 4th phase Beneficiary Register (after consideration of objections)
- Phase D' exclusion table (after consideration of objections)
- Completion of Phase C' Beneficiary Register (after consideration of objections)
- Table of phase C' exclusions (after consideration of objections)
- Completion of the Beneficiary Register phase B' (after consideration of objections)
- Table of excluded phase B' (after examination of objections)
- Filling in the Register of Beneficiaries phase A' (after consideration of objections)
- Table of phase A' exclusions (after consideration of objections)
- Register of Beneficiaries (Phase A' until 25.01.2023)
- List of excluded persons (Phase A' until 25.01.2023)
- You can submit a "Participation Application" online, following the path: Home > Education > Training and educational content >Registration in the Register of Beneficiaries - Employees for training through the K.E.Di.V.M of the Universities and the licensed K.D.V.M.
- Register of Training Providers of the Universities' Lifelong Learning Centers
99ΤΑ4691Ω2-0OS Results of submitted objections KDBM and KEDIVIM AEI until 06-26-2023
695781_Ψ1ΩΗ4691Ω2-Ζ1Ο_Results of submitted objections KDBM and KEDIVIM AEI until 06-06-2023
Register of Training Providers KEDIVIM AEI phase A'-B'-C' (until 17-05-2023)
Register of Training Providers KEDIVIM AEI phase A' & B' (until 3-3-2023)
Register of Training Providers KEDIVIM AEI Phase A' (until January 10, 2023)
- You can submit an "Application for Participation" online, at the link Registration in the Register of Providers of K.E.Di.V.M. of Universities for employee training
- Register of Training Providers of the Lifelong Learning Centers (licensed)
6PYO4691Ω2-5TS_Results of submitted objections KDBM until 16.08.2023
9LFY4691Ω2-634_Results of submitted objections KDBM until 10.08.2023
9ΜΚ24691Ω2-H23_Results of submitted objections until 12-7-2023
99ΤΑ4691Ω2-0OS Results of submitted objections KDBM and KEDIVIM AEI until 06-26-2023
714503_ΨΘ0Ν4691Ω2-Ν4Ω_Results of submissions of KDBM objections until 19-06-2023
695781_Ψ1ΩΗ4691Ω2-Ζ1Ο_Results of submitted objections KDBM and KEDIVIM AEI until 06-06-2023
Completion of the Register of licensed KDBM Phase B' (until 3-3-2023)
Register of Licensed KDBM Phase B' Providers (until March 3, 2023)
Provisional Register of Licensed Training Providers K.D.V.M. (Until 3-3-2023)
Updated Register of Licensed Α΄phase KDBM Providers (until January 10, 2023)
Register of Licensed First-Phase Health Care Providers (until January 10, 2023)
Provisional Register of Licensed Training Providers K.D.V.M. (20-01-2023)
- You can submit an "Application for Participation" online, at the link Registration in the Register of Licensed K.D.V.M. Providers for employee training.
- Certification Providers- Certification Providers Register
- Contact
For issues related to the training program you can contact the Greek Public Employment Service:
The Beneficiaries: ofel_e_16913@dypa.gov.gr
The Training Providers of the life-long learning centers at: erg_paroxoikdvm@dypa.gov.gr
The Training Providers of life-long learning centers of Universities at: erg_paroxoikedivimaei@dypa.gov.gr
The Natural Persons' Certification Providers at: erg_paroxoipistopoiisis@dypa.gov.gr
The Greek Public Employment Service's phone centre: 1555
For technical issues concerning the platform you can contact the voucher.gov
- e-mail: webmaster@voucher.gov.gr